UPDATED eWeLink add-on V1.3.1 for Home Assistant

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eWeLink add-on V1.3.1 for Home Assistant and sync ZigBee end-sensors bridged by NSPanle Pro to Home Assistant supported.

Control your eWeLink supported devices via Home Assistant, LAN and Cloud.

Please note this add-on is NOT a regularly updated service like the eWeLink APP and others, basically based on the user’s feedback and request, feel free to let’s know your ideas and suggestion just in this thread of topic of our forum.

With all respect to the open source community, we have also made the source code of the front and back ends openly available for your reference.

– [FrontEnd] GitHub – CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon-frontEnd

– [BackEnd] GitHub – CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon-backEnd


· Following the guidance from the Home Assistant official site, installing the Home Assistant on the system you choose, and running the Home Assistant OS on a Raspberry Pi or a local server is recommended.

· Your eWeLink account and password

· eWeLink / SONOFF devices added to the above account via the eWeLink APP

The guidance below is based on Home Assistant 2022.8.7 run on a Raspberry Pi 3B(32-bit), other systems should be similar, but we Haven’t tested.

Some users run Home Assistant on a docker container, some tips may help smooth this progress, please refer to them at the end of this tutorial.

Get started

Install the eWeLink add-on

Start up the Home Assistant and log in with the account you created, install eWeLink add-on by following the steps,

On the homepage of Home Assistant, left sidebar, settings —> Add-ons —> add-on store (on the bottom right corner) —> top right corner to manage add-on repositories —> add eWeLink add-on from GitHub by using the link below and following the guidance steps to finish the installation.

https://github.com/CoolKit-Technologies/Home Assistant-addon.git

settings —> Add-ons 

—> add-on store (on the bottom right corner)

Top right corner to manage add-on repositories —> add eWeLink add-on from GitHub by using the link below and following the guidance steps to finish the installation.

Close the toast you will see the eWeLink add-on showed up on the store page, click the add-on and install it.

Run the eWeLink add-on and control devices from web UI

Start the add-on after the installation, ‘auto update’ and ‘show in sidebar’ toggles enabled are also recommended.


Visit the WebUI of the add-on after starting by tapping ‘OPEN WEB UI or the ‘eWeLink smart home’ menu in the left sidebar, and login with your eWeLink account to pull the devices here.

· Devices under the same router with the Home Assistant and meanwhile LAN mode enabled may be discovered automatically before your login.

· Some devices may not be controllable because they are not supported by the add-on yet.

Sync eWeLink supported devices to Home Assistant entities and dashboard

Supported devices sync to Home Assistant entities list automatically after you login, and you need to manually tap ‘Sync Lovelace Card’ on the top right corner of the webUI to make the entities displayed in the dashboard/overview, then entities will be sorted in Home Assistant, like switch and light card, customize your favorite dashboard following the guidance from Home Assistant or search the tutorials in the Home Assistant community at https://community.home-assistant.io.

Wall switches, outlets, light bulbs, light strips, and ZigBee sensors are supported now like SONOFF devices are supported now, but some features of multi-functional devices may not be supported due to the limitations of the Home Assistant add-on capabilities, but since eWeLink is an IoT solution provider may as you know, there are thousands of OEM partners who make their own devices by using eWeLink’s solution even modified the solution to fit their own needs, not all of them be supported by this add-on and tested yet.

We post the tested devices here for your reference, welcome to add your test devices and cases in this topic thread.

MORE info

· Only the devices in the currently selected home in the eWeLink APP will be shown in the add-on WebUI and Home Assistant dashboard after login.

· Shared devices in the supported types will be pulled into Home Assistant entities also, which means those entities are controllable from the dashboard.

· Entities will be added in the default or first dashboard of your Home Assistant Lovelace, customizing them as you like.

· Entities can’t be edited like change entity ID, and can’t be removed due to the limitations of the add-on way.

·There hasn’t REST API for entity delete, hoping Home Assistant adds this part later.


Devices aren’t shown up in the HA dashboard.

Tap the ‘Sync Lovelace Card’ to sync manually if the devices aren’t shown up in the Home Assistant dashboard.


Device isn’t controllable from the WebUI

If the device isn’t controllable from the WebUI or toggle failure, please try to login to the add-on again or restart it.


How to use eWeLink devices in Home Assistant “Scenes” and “Automation”?

Devices integrated via REST API and WebSocket API (add-on) can only be mapped as Entities nor Devices within the restrictions of Home Assistant, so a few more setup steps are needed to achieve.

· 1   Enable “Advanced Mode” of Home Assistant (Home page left sidebar → User Profile → Advanced Mode)
· 2  Create a “Scene” with eWeLink entities first, and then select “Activate Scene” in “Automation” under “Action-> Action Type”.


Tips for docker users

– Currently, port forwarding is not supported, please make sure that port 3000 is idle.

  1. git clone https://github.com/CoolKit-Technologies/ha-addon.git
  2. cd ha-addon/eWeLink_Smart_Home/
  3. docker build . -t ewelink_smart_home
  4. Run the code below. Replace yourHomeAssistantUrl with your current Home Assisant URL.
docker run -d \
    --restart=always \
    --network host \
    -e HA_URL=yourHomeAssistantUrl \
    -e SUPERVISOR_TOKEN=yourHomeAssitantLongLivedAccessToken \
  • Example:
  docker run -d \
  --restart=always \
  --network host \
  -e HA_URL= \
  -e SUPERVISOR_TOKEN=eyJ~iJ9.eyJ~jF9.CkQ~Lho
  1. Access port 3000.
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